Based on a the short story “Low Flying Aircraft” by J.G. Ballard and set in a near future where humans are dying breed. Judite and André flee to a semi-abandoned apartment complex to protect their mutant child from certain death.
Director: Solveig Nordlund. AKA Low-Flying Aircraft
Writers: J.G. Ballard (story), Solveig Nordlund, Colin Tucker, Jeanne Waltz.
Stars: Margarida Marinho, Miguel Guilherme, Rui Morrison, Rita Só, Canto e Castro, Ismael Lourenço, Sheila Buchanan, María Duarte Pereira, Fernanda Duarte, José Pinto, Isabel de Castro, Jonathan Weightman, Rafaela Santos, Carlos Santos.
Cinematographer: Acácio de Almeida.
Composer: Johan Zachrisson.
You got it!!! THANKS.
when i was a kid i read every j.g. ballard work and can state categorically that this lives up to his prominence in the s-f genre. i think the “s-f” contraction came from harlan ellison, who said it stood for “speculative fiction” and was championed in his colllections he edited centitled “dangerous visions”. both on a par with phillip k. dick in envisioning dystopias with emotional content so we could feel the conflicts within ourselves, which is exactly what this delivers. not a gut-punch as much as an eye-opener, it brings a whole world down to one couple’s choice to accept change, even if it is not one they wanted. in the same vein as the old gay chant–“we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it”–the catchphrase “we believe in the future” will twist your mind into a moebius strip by the end. (and if this turned you on, highly recommend the 1985 novel by denis johnson, “fiskadoro’.)