Filmer le désir (2002) AKA Filming Desire: A Journey Through Women's Cinema


In this bold documentary Marie Mandy asks the question: how do women directors film love, desire, and, especially, sexuality? In rare interviews with many of the leading women directors working in the world today, FILMING DESIRE directly engages the sexual politics of cinematographic choice.

Powerfully illustrated with film clips from their own work, the directors discuss the reality of an explicit women’s point of view, the possibility of a women’s cinematic language, and the desire in their films to ‘fantasize and dream a new image of themselves’. This documentary weaves an intriguing essay that is international in scope and reflective of the great diversity of women filmmakers.

Director: Marie Mandy.
Stars: Carine Adler, Paule Baillargeon, Catherine Breillat, Jane Campion, Liliana Cavani, Francesca Comencini, Doris Dörrie, Safi Faye, Jeanne Labrune, Deepa Mehta, Léa Pool, Sally Potter, Patricia Rozema, Agnès Varda, Moufida Tlatli.


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  1. Gerald L. Austin
    April 8, 2024

    Very interesting. I especially like women who either take moving images or photos of male nudity.

  2. Minh
    October 31, 2024

    Can you reupload this movie? Please!

    • Jon W.
      November 1, 2024

      Done! Enjoy! 🙂

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