The Billion Dollar Bubble (1976) From BBC Series Horizon


A re-enactment of one of the biggest frauds of all time. In 1969, the Equity Funding Corporation of America lacked the facts to make an accurate profit forecast because of computer troubles. They made a guess – two million dollars too optimistic. So two young executives fed fictitious insurance polices in the computer – all prefixed “99” so that they could easily be cancelled when the temporary loan was paid off. But the temptation to escalate the fraud became irresistible.

Director: Brian Gibson.
Writer: Tom Clarke.
Stars: James Woods, William Hootkins, Shane Rimmer, Sam Wanamaker, Christopher Guest, Lioner Murton, Thomasine Heiner, Bill Reimbold, Toria Fuller, Hal Galili, Seretta Wilson, Peter Banks, Don Fellows.
Cinematographer: Peter Hall.


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One Comment

  1. Torin Doyle
    June 8, 2024

    What utter lowlifes. They were treated far too leniently.

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