Charlie Gordon, a mentally challenged man who is eager to learn, is given an experimental operation to increase his intelligence to genius level. The experiment seems to work, until one of the lab animals the procedure was tested on begins to lose its intelligence…
Director: Fielder Cook.
Writers: James Yaffe (adapted by), Daniel Keyes (from the story “Flowers for Algernon”).
Stars: Cliff Robertson, Mona Freeman, Maxwell Shaw, Joanna Roos, Gerald S. O’Loughlin, Ira Barmak.
Composer: Ralph Norman Wilkinson.
Grabbed this rare and brilliant piece of ’60s television history from UCLA’s Film & Television Archive YT channel, logo blurred (thank you, Tristan!) and commercials trimmed without re-encoding with Losslesscut.
Charlie! Many thanks for uploading this rarity!!!
Good episode. Poor little mouse though.