See You at the Pillar (1967)


A short film about Dublin City using a mixture of contemporary footage, folk music and quotations from past residents, Shaw, Wilde and Behan etc. Narrated in a “conversation” by Anthony Quayle and Norman Rodway.

Director: Peter Baylis.
Writer: Peter Baylis.

1968 Academy Awards – Nominated for an Oscar for Best Documentary, Short Subjects.


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  1. Patrick Trimble
    March 15, 2021

    Wonderful tour of the city of Dublin with beautiful cinematography, a sparkling script comprised of Irish wit, poetry & love, spoken by two of the island’s best stage players. Vivid & wholy memorable. Thanks to you, Jon.,

  2. October 10, 2022

    <> (Patrick Trimble.

    Well, of the other island, perhaps, being Anthony Quayle and Norman Rodway. AQ has no connection to Ireland and NR went to London in ’62 and rose to become a much valued member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.

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