Coming Out of the Ice (1982)


American-born athlete Victor Herman becomes a prisoner of Soviet Russia’s mounting nationalism. At 16, he moves to Russia, where he excels in parachute jumping. As his accomplishments draw praise, Soviet officials ask that he renounce his American citizenship. When Herman refuses, he is exiled to Siberia and imprisoned in a hard-labor camp for 18 years because of his so-called “counterrevolutionary activities.” The film is based on a true story.

Director: Waris Hussein.
Stars: John Savage, Willie Nelson, Francesca Annis, Ben Cross, Frank Windsor, Sylvia Kay, Peter Vaughan, Sylvia Kay, Bernice Stegers, Michael Burrell, Edward Burnham, Clive Merrison, John Malcolm, David Hayman, Malcolm Storry, Donald Eccles.


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One Comment

  1. Robert Russell
    November 28, 2021

    Insight into the conniving and cruel machinery during the Stalin era of 1930s USSR. More than a passing cameo role played by Willie Nelson, a sort of gulag life coach for the grim Victor Herman played by John Savage. An attested and unforgettable movie.

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