I lifvets vår (1912) AKA The Springtime of Life


A sick unmarried mother writes on her death bed a letter to the father of her daughter. The father lets young widow Sara Andersson take care of his daughter, and he has no idea that she will be forced to begging.

Director: Paul Garbagni. AKA The Springtime of Life
Stars: Victor Sjöström, Mauritz Stiller, Georg af Klercker, Selma Wiklund af Klercker, Anna Norrie, Astrid Engelbrecht, Victor Arfvidson.


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One Comment

  1. Patrick Trimble
    September 5, 2021

    The difficulties in watching, old vintage film is that you must accept the limitations of the years with the idea of what we think any film should be. I LIFVETS VARS is indeed a product of its time & place. It is a cliched story even by 1912’s limited reach about an orphan girl struggling to find a comfortable place for herself even as she grows and finds herself being pursued by three men, one a cad (played by Victor Sjorstrom). a kind-hearted foster father and an elder roue (played by Mauritz Stiller) who also happens to be his real father. The narratives uses the hand-written note as a motif to cary the numerous subtitles because all the characters keep jotting down memos for each other. Nothing to report on plotline, but a chance to see Stiller & Sjorstrom as actors in their early years. Thanks Jon.

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