Objectif: 500 millions (1966)


Reichau, a former army captain, is back in France after serving three years in prison for belonging to the OAS (Secret Armed Organization), a dissident paramilitary group during the Algerian War. Marked by his past, he does not believe in the values of his country any more. At a loss to know what to do with his life, he agrees one day to take part in a heist set up by Pierre, a pilot, the very man who gave him away in Oran. The operation, in which Yo, a gorgeous woman, participates, consists in stealing a bag containing 55 million francs during a Paris-Bordeaux flight.

Director: Pierre Schoendoerffer. AKA Objective 500 Million
Stars: Bruno Cremer, Marisa Mell, Jean-Claude Rolland, Etienne Bierry, Pierre Fromont, Jean-François Chauvel, Thomas Hong-Mai.


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One Comment

  1. Steves
    November 6, 2019

    Glorious work, Jon! Many many thanks!!!

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