This popular animal documentary shows creatures of every sort in the act of reproduction, from microscopic animals to elephants. It also shows newborn animals as they cope with their first exposure to the outside world.
Director: Nicolas Noxon & Irwin Rosten.
Stars: Ken Blackburn, Deryn Cooper, lan Jervis Wilks, Grant Tilly, William Johnson, Arthur Wright, Kevin J. Wilson, Glenis Levestam, Heather Lindsay, Chrisine Lloyd, Peter Rowell, James McFarlane, Wendy Macfarlane, Mike Bajo, Renee Hall.
1975 Golden Globes β Nominated for Best Documentary.
1976 Academy Awards β Nominated for an Oscar for Best Music, Original Dramatic Score (Gerald Fried).
Note: Downloaded from Youtube. Thanks to William for the tip.
Cheers! Thanks for this one!
Hey, me too! I wanna do it too! Iβm nature!