Labyrinth des Grauens (1921) AKA Labyrinth of Horror


Edward Stephenson, the son of a great industrialist, is due to marry the daughter of another prominent business leader. But the boy prefers a modest employee of the latter, Maud Hartley, whose brother is an impossible rascal, murderer of a police officer. Maud is spurned by Edward who wrongly assumes she is unfaithful. Later, the girl is victim of a railway accident and then throws herself headlong into the easy life. Will the couple reunite again, for better or worse?

Director: Michael Curtiz (as Mihaly Kertesz). AKA Labyrinth of Horror
Stars: Lucy Doraine, Alphons Fryland, Max Devrient, Paul Askonas, Mathilde Danegger, Jean Ducret.


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One Comment

  1. Michael
    November 14, 2019

    a rare Michael Curtiz film before he became legend., many thanks Jon

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