Othelo, The Black Commando (1982)


Othello, the Black Commando involves an international Red Cross column wiped out as it proceeds to Tubesti, Africa, a remote region where both war and a viral epidemic have broken out. Dr. Desdemona Ferguson, the daughter of an influential United States Senator, tries to pull all her strings to Washington in order to obtain help and protection for her stranded group.

Director: Max H. Boulois.
Stars: Tony Curtis, Joanna Pettet, Max H. Boulois, Ramiro Oliveros, Nadiuska, Gérard Barray, Mario De Barros, Tony Fuentes, Sara Mora, Fernando Sancho, Andrés Resino, Tom Hernández, Aldo Sambrell.


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One Comment

  1. Jonathon
    March 15, 2019

    I watched this quite recently as I was intrigued. Think it was briefly a freebie on my Amazon Prime Video list. Love the original Shakespeare play, like Tony Curtis (despite some of the crap he’s been in) and thought this might be an interesting modern military spin on the story. It isn’t – it’s awful. But it’s scarce and I guess that’s the whole point – to make it available for others so they can make up their own mind.

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