Navajo (1952)


Francis Kee Teller plays Son of the Hunter, a young Navajo boy who is separated from his family so that he may be given his government-dictated mandatory education. Disdaining the “white” world, Teller runs from his instructors. The two tenderfeet find themselves in a perilous situation, from which the savvy Teller must rescue them.

Director: Norman Foster.
Stars: Hall Bartlett, John Mitchell, Sammy Ogg, Eloise Teller, Francis Kee Tellerr, Linda Teller, Mrs. Kee Teller, Billy Draper, Virgil Miller, Cozy McSparron.

1953 Academy Awards – Nominated for an Oscar for Best Cinematography, B&W (Virgil Miller).
1953 Academy Awards – Nominated for an Oscar for Best Documentary.


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  1. Michael
    June 6, 2019

    thank you for this one Jon

  2. Nick Jason
    August 7, 2019

    This is unusual and quite enjoyable–but clearly scripted and, sorry Oscar, no more a true documentary than “Bicycle Thieves” or “Umberto D.” I guess in 1952 unknown actors in real locations were enough to qualify.

  3. December 21, 2019

    Thanks for this Jon. As Nick Jason says, this is not by any means a documentary, but that is true of many Oscar docs of the period. The most egregious example was “I Was A Communist For the FBI” WTF!

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