Roaring Rails (1924)


A railroad engineer adopts a French orphan while he’s fighting in the army in World War I, and takes him back to the US when the war ends. Later the boy needs an eye operation that the engineer can’t afford, so he takes the rap for a murder he didn’t commit in order to get his son the operation.

Director: Tom Forman.
Stars: Harry Carey, Frankie Darro, Edith Roberts, Wallace MacDonald, Frank Hagney, Duke R. Lee.


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  1. Allan
    May 5, 2019

    A chance to see Frankie Darro in a silent before his 30’s persona took shape. Riding the rails as he would later in Wild Boys of the Road he is teamed with Harry Carey who is a solid presence in this film about rival railroad companies competing for a contract. It moves at a fairly fast pace and the improbable and fiery conclusion ties up all the loose ends. Carey’s trademark hand mannerism is on display for all looking to see the inspiration for John Wayne’s final scene in The Searchers

  2. Michael
    May 15, 2019

    What a great find Jon. Bow to the man

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