Cat, a fugitive from a parallel Earth ruled by aliens, lands on “our” Earth in the middle of a freeway, causing an accident. She is slightly injured, and wakes up in the emergency room of a hospital, where Thomas, a doctor, takes care of her. He finds out that Cat is fleeing a group of servants of the Dark Lord. They hitch-hike to the nearest Doorway to another parallel world.
Category: Sci-Fi
A martian comes to a small town in Quebec and becomes friends with the town children. He gives them candy to get the children into his spacecraft. This alarms the parents but he wins them over and they have a great big Christmas party.
Based on novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin. “A vision of a united totalitarian state, a world of quadratic harmony and blue-grey conformity”.
In a post-apocalyptic world divided between two groups called the Flockers and the Ravagers, an adventurer and his “pleasure girl” try to find their way to a rumored safe haven called the Land of Genesis.
When a scientist at a research lab is passed over for a promotion, he creates a clone of himself to attempt to seduce the wife of the man who got the job.
In the not-too-distant future, two New York businessmen plot to play two multinational rival corporations against each other, with a little help from a shady Italian street woman, to obtain an important Japanese businessman for the company they work at, only that things are not always as they appear.
Alien spirits from outer space land on earth and take over the bodies of the recently deceased–but their purpose isn’t what it would appear to be.