Julius Orlovsky, after spending years in a New York mental hospital, emerges catatonic and must rely on his brother Peter, who lives with poet Allen Ginsberg. When Julius wanders off in the middle of filming, Frank hires and actor to play the character and begins a fictional version of his psychological portrait. Then, as suddenly as he vanished, Julius turns up in an institution where he and Peter must face their relationship.
Category: Arthouse
After the death of his mother, middle-aged insurance employee inherits her small cottage surrounded by a garden. Selling the cottage which is situated on unexploited ground near the center of a big city makes him a rich man and he buys a big house in the countryside. He takes some time off and decides to throw a big garden party at the house and invite all his colleagues from the office. Aided by alcohol, the guests gradually lose all their inhibitions and reveal personality traits and frustrations that they normally keep hidden.
Composed entirely by literary quotations from many different sources and from several historical periods, Godard’s film works as an allegory on film. The loose narrative tells about a drifter found by a rich woman who soon falls in love with him. A drowning accident takes place and the drifter dies but some time later, he reappears in the woman’s life looking for a job. Or could it be the man’s twin brother?
This portmanteau film explores the highs and lows of a trio of twenty-something’s love affairs in the French capital, combining all those themes cherished by Rohmer aficionados: seduction, elegant language, and love for a city called Paris.
A group of men led by an old man trying to stop an invasion of the city of Aquileia. The invaders are introducing a machinery for a mass invasion, but the invasion is absolute and impossible to define.
Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy and effete Eduardo.