Die Reise nach Tilsit (1939) AKA The Trip to Tilsit


Elske faithfully loves her husband Endrik as he is seduced by a foreign schemer, Madlyn. Madlyn persuades him to murder Elske and run off with her. He lures Elske into the boat as a prelude to drowning her, but is unable to carry it out. When they reach the shore, she flees to the city, and he follows to plead for forgiveness. They return, and a storm blows up while they are in the boat. Endrik gets ashore, but believes Elske to have drowned.

Director: Veit Harlan. AKA The Trip to Tilsit
Stars: Kristina Söderbaum, Philip Dorn, Anna Dammann, Albert Florath, Ernst Legal, Manny Ziener, Charlotte Schultz, Eduard von Winterstein, Clemens Hasse, Jakob Tiedtke, Paul Westermeier, Wolfgang Kieling, Joachim Pfaff, Heinz Dugall, Babsi Schultz-Reckewell, Babsi Schultz-Reckewell, Lotte Spira, Eduard Wenck.


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  1. Soeren
    April 8, 2022

    Dear Jon,

    I came across a potential quality upgrade for “Die Reise nach Tilsit”:

    It doesn’t have subtitles though.

    Best regards and thank you so much for this wonderful site!

    • Jon W.
      April 9, 2022

      Thank you Soeren, I saw this a few months ago gonna upgrade the copy on the site soon, stay tuned!

      Thanks a lot for the support! Really appreciate it 🙂

      Take care,

  2. Joe Blo
    June 1, 2024

    I am assuming this is based on the same original work that Sunrise (1927), basically the best film ever made, was based on.

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