The story of Andre Menard, a promising young amateur boxer from an impoverished background who is mentored by former pro Victor Le Garrec, and whose career path takes a nosedive when he falls for the wealthy Corinne.
Director: Marcel Carné. AKA Air of Paris
Stars: Jean Gabin, Arletty, Roland Lesaffre, Marie Daëms, Maria Pia Casilio, Ave Ninchi, Simone Paris, Marcelle Praince, Mathilde Casadesus, Maurice Sarfati, Lucien Raimburg, Séraphin Ferrer, Legendre, Streicher, Roger Michelot, Jean Parédès, Folco Lulli.
1954 Venice Film Festival – Nominated for the Golden Lion.
Thanks, Jon! Always welcome to see Gabin.
(And this has nothing to do with it, but since the request section is closed: There’s a 1974 comedy I’d like to see called “Thieves” with Charles Grodin and Marlo Thomas.. It’s based on a play. Issued on VHS decades ago, but never on DVD. If you can ever find it, I would love to see that one.)
Thank you for posting this film, it’s quite good. And it’s always nice to see the underrated Roland LeSaffre in an important role!