Ritzar bez bronya (1966) AKA Knight Without Armour


Nine-year-old Vanyo often plays with wooden swords and cardboard knight’s armour. He gradually confronts the life of grown-ups. The boy is confused – why do his parents say one thing and do another? Vanyo feels increasingly lonely and, in his thoughts, he talks to the only person he trusts – his uncle Georgi. It is only with him that the boy feels happy. Together, they go to the printer’s, to rehearsals at the theatre, and they watch movies. Uncle Georgi never interrupts Vanyo’s words and questions; he treats him seriously. How is this tiny knight going to enter life without an internal armour against rudeness and egoism?

Director: Borislav Sharaliev. AKA Knight Without Armour / Рицар без броня
Stars: Apostol Karamitev, Oleg Kovachev, Mariya Rusalieva, Tzvyatko Nikolov, Sonya Markova, Tania Massalitinova, Vihar Stoychev, Slavcho Nikolov, Oleg Popov, Katya Stoyanova.


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  1. Sean D
    October 19, 2019

    Cool, one of my requests. This came highly recommended but I couldn’t find it anywhere (disc or streaming), so I’m very happy to see it here. Thanks, Jon (Oh, and it lived up to the hype. Great film)

    • January 15, 2020

      Your request was awesome! Thank you!

  2. Jake
    January 15, 2020

    Thank you Jon… I have thanked you a lot today, but hey!
    A really great film! Stunning New Wave vibe and a surprising amount of subtlety! The film goes after corruption, nepotism, apparatchik privilege whilst exploring psychology of a child. I have no idea how this got past censorship, but it’s a real gem of a film, a timeless classic!

    • Jon W.
      January 16, 2020

      Thanks for all the comments, Jake, really appreciate the support.
      Plenty more rarities coming, stay tuned!

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