Hi there! Thanks for clicking here.
If you are enjoying the films on the site and you’d like to see the archive continue to grow you can help rarefilmm financially by making a donation, you can do so via Paypal, to the email:
NEW: Now you can also donate via Ko-fi (using Paypal or card).
For donations using crypto:
BTC: bc1q7vwmurned46ktl6u278uhr2r8u9xpk9ukazqp2.
ETH: 0xaf6a321d63745bdf777fc308130245992dbbc9c8.
LTC: LbgWxMH4AwXaNpsTSwv1AQ35sbARZLVpgP.
All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is too small, everything helps, it truly does. rarefilmm is a crowdfunded project, donations are and always have been essential to keep the site online, without them I wouldn’t have been able to keep the site up for this long (started in early 2014 and still going strong!), all the money collected will be used to pay for the site’s maintenance costs (RDP server, web hosting, premium cloud storage accounts and other site-related costs) if there’s any remains I will also be looking at the possibility of acquiring rare movies & vintage TV material from different sources, there’s a lot of private collectors out there who have very rare films that very few people have seen but unfortunately they aren’t willing to share them for free so with your help I will be able to purchase many films from them and finally liberate them to the world for everyone’s enjoyment.
Thank you! And thanks a lot to everyone for all the support throughout the years, you all are truly amazing.
– Jon.
excelente the Paul Bowles film…i share at least a few dollars to contribuite such a delicious site
Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo, Fernando
Hello Jon,
Thank you for all the work you do here.
I wanted to ask for your permission to link this site when writing about films that I have watched from here. I don’t have much of a following but I just wanted to start a Substack for friends who may be interested in checking these films out.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks a lot for the support.
Sure! That’s a very nice thing of you to do to introduce your friends to rarefilmm, doesn’t matter if you have a site/following that’s small, actually rarefilmm has always grown this way, by word of mouth really and not so much but other sites or people who have huge following so eveything counts and it’s greatly appreciated
Take care,
Hi Jon,
Thank you for the wonderful Christmas gifts. Fourteen new discoveries for us classic movie crazies to take a gander at during this Christmas/Award season. As I sit listening to Saint-Saens’ magnificent Christmas Oratorio, I’m reminded that the most remarkable gifts are always unexpected. Bless you, sir.
All the Best for the Holidays,
Keith Dillon
(The Mooche)
just sent $ because you’ve been doing awesome work for a very long time….would have sent more, but I am currently unemployed for a spell as I work on films…!!
Jon, you’re my hero, thank you so much for your work, a big high-five from the Netherlands!
Just sent you some dough via Paypal. Just to show my gratitude. I’ve enjoyed so many of your movies. Rare gems, some I had never heard of but worthwhile in every way.
Thanks again.
Just sent a token of our (Gill too) gratitude for the many hours of enjoyment courtesy of your many reuploads.
Thank you Jon. Go and liberate some more movies!
PS confusingly Paypal uses the old Hotmail version of my email address
What a discovery! I was looking for the 1980 film, “Leap into the Void,” and voila!
Hi Jon, I tried donating on PayPal using your email address but it came back as an invalid address.
Please advise me how I can donate to you. I wouldn’t want to go the crypto route though
All the best.
Hi Leigh,
That’s strange as the email is correct, for Paypal donations you can also use this link: The minimum donation is $5 on this platform.
Thank you so much for your support!
Hi Jon, I have had two donations returned to me through KoFi.
They say that you have no PayPal account ?!
All the best
Hi Leigh,
I’ll email you later today, is the email you used to comment on this page correct? ends in If so I’ll be contacting you to that email.
Looks like there’s been some problems but in my end all looks good, I have received your donations and they are credited on my Paypal account already, thank you very much! You’re very generous, you are helping me a lot. Expect an email later today for more details on this, it seems you sent it two times by mistake so I owe you a refund.
Thanks again, Leigh <3
Hi Jon, apologies for delay in replying to you.
That’s my email.
My bank/PP account just kept returning my donation and soMdid KOFI so that I lost track of things!
I haven’t received an email yet (if the message was to check!)
All the best
Power to you
Hi Jon,
I just discovered your website today, and enjoyed a Robert Bresson movie Lancelot du Lac. Wow, I can’t believe I have never known about your website below. What a service to society you are doing, thank you ,thank you! I will be sending you a donation in a few minutes.
Hi Jon, Sent a contribution. It’s not much, but I really value this excellent website..
All the best to you!
Hi Jon,
Sent – thanks for everything you do!
Greetings Jon,
I just sent you a donation via Paypal to your email. I really appreciate all the time and energy you spend on this incredible forum. I hope you are able to continue to share your library with those of us who appreciate rare films.
Best regards,