Video downloader tool

The process will be greatly simpler after following these instructions:

1) Grab latest version of yt-dlp from Here

2) Grab latest version of TVDownloader from Here

3) Grab latest Windows FFmpeg package from Here

4) Unzip and install TVDownloader.

5) Rename the yt-dlp executable to “youtube-dl.exe”

6) Unzip FFmpeg package.

7) Replace “youtube-dl.exe” in the TVDownloader folder with the renamed yt-dlp executable.

8) Replace “ffmpeg.exe” and “ffprobe.exe” in the TVDownloader folder with the ones from the FFmpeg package you unzipped.

9) To be on the safe side, you can rename those older executables in the TVDownloader folder to “*.bak” first, instead of overwriting them with the new ones.

Voila! You are ready to go. Make sure that “MP4/M4A” and “Native” are checked in the TVDownloader panel.