The future of rarefilmm

Hello everyone,

Hope you’re all doing great and enjoying the weekend.

I wish I had some good news to announce on a weekend but unfortunately it’s bad news this time, yesterday while I was browsing on Uloz I noticed a banner on the top of their site, when I clicked on it I found out about this new change they are enforcing on all of their users, what does this new change mean? Well basically all links will be made private and nobody other than the uploader will be able to download the files they uploaded, they already enforced this for users in Germany and Italy where users were seeing the message on the screenshot below when trying to access a file they didn’t upload themselves:

Well now this change will be in effect worldwide 🙁 So make sure to download as much as you can before December 1st because after this date all links will stop working, if you have many pending files to download and you’re not sure if you’ll make it on time to download everything you want before Dec 1st I highly recommend you to download JDownloader, with this software you can download multiple files at the time from Uloz and you get much faster speeds than if you were downloading from your browser, you can also pause and resume downloads as many times as you want, it’s pretty useful.

Now, Uloz going down also means that I’ll have to re-upload every single file and also change every single dl link on the site (again!), over 3000 films to be re-uploaded and well over 3200 links will need to be changed so this will take a few months at least.

As you can imagine I’m very tired of this, and this also makes me question if it’s even worth it, what if it happens again on the new host, whatever is the host I decide to switch to this time. Is MEGA somehow safe and immune to these new regulations just because it’s based in New Zealand? How long will it take until they have no choice but to comply as well? Those are some of the questions I have at the moment before I decide to make the jump over to MEGA. Some of you know a massive takedown similar to this happened several times already with the rarefilmm archive, not with Uloz specifically but with Vkontakte when they blacklisted the rarefilmm domain many years ago and I had to switch to Odnoklassniki (Okru) and re-upload everything there, and then a year later another ban forced me to re-upload everything once again after someone reported ALL the films for copyright infringement, believe it or not, so this would be the 4th time I’m having to do this. Luckily the streaming isn’t affected this time so you’ll still be able to watch all the films on the site but you won’t be able to download any of them until the new links are added, and you can imagine how upset I am by this, Uloz could have easily given their users a lot more time before enforcing this but they are giving me less than a week! I honestly can’t believe it. 

As of today, November 25, I’m seriously debating about what’s the best decision to make for the future of the site, I was very happy with Uloz, they were super reliable, barely taking any films down in the almost 10 years I’ve been using their services since I discovered them on the legendary Surrealmoviez (RIP) and now that it’s gone I’m not sure if I can replace it with another file host that is just as good as Uloz was, I don’t think such thing exists so you can imagine how sad I am right now, this is just heartbreaking for me, Uloz was the main pillar that was holding rarefilmm together and now that I won’t be able to use it anymore I feel everything is falling apart. I’ve always been someone who prioritized a good user experience over anything else, this is why I never brought ads to the site and why I always kept everything free for everyone, I’ve always been a pirate, before starting this site and before I discovered torrents I was using other people’s sites for streaming movies and tv shows and I was always incredibly dissapointed and annoyed by how bad the user experience was, tons of ads and pop ups everywhere and impossible to watch a movie without getting a trojan into your computer, I knew I didn’t want my site to be another one of the bunch and that’s why I always tried my best to provide the best user experience for you, next year it will be 10 years since I started with rarefilmm, and when I look at what the biggest pirate streaming sites look like today I have to say that things haven’t changed at all, in fact it might be even worst than what it was 10 years ago, there is powerful adblockers now yes but even them aren’t able to block everything, and site owners seem to only prioritize what’s the file host that will make them the most money instead of prioritizing a good user experience that will guarantee that that person will come back another time to watch another movie, oh and if you don’t want to watch it online and you want to download it you are forced to pay buy a premium account or a data package, it’s very sad.

Some of the file hosts I already took a look at and that are not good enough to be a replacement (Incredibly slow dl speeds, not possible to download without premium, limited bandwith, not made for a big traffic site like this one, etc): DepositFiles, NitroFlare, RapidGator, RapidRar, RareFile, TezFiles, FileFactory, K2S, FileJoker, FileBoom, PixelDrain.

I have some ideas on how to continue with this project moving forward and I’m trying out different things atm but I could use some of your suggestions and ideas as well so if you have an idea that you think would work with the site feel free to comment below, if you prefer to contact me over email you can do so at Don’t worry, I’m not going to give up, especially when we’re so close to that beautiful 10 year anniversary, we’ve come a long way and this is just another stone on the road which I’m sure with your help I’ll be able to overcome once again so we can continue on this wonderful cinematic journey that is rarefilmm.

Thank you very much much everyone for all the support and for sticking with me after all these years, I truly appreciate it, I’m so grateful, it really means the world.

Please be patient with me with the re-uploads once all links go down, I know it’s very annoying not being able to download anything, I wish I could do something to stop this from happening but I can’t as it’s not something that I can control, would have been nice to know beforehand at least with a month in advance at least that this was going to happen so I could have prepared better and but oh well, it is what it is, maybe they couldn’t, we don’t know all the details of what went down on Uloz HQ’s, now all we can do is get this sorted as quick as possible so we can return to the normal activities and I can get back to working on new films to upload.

Thanks again,



  1. November 25, 2023

    Hello Jon,
    I’m in no way a tech person so can’t make any useful suggestions but I do want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for us in creating and maintaining Rarefilmm. It’s indisputably the most valuable and enjoyable resource for lovers of film anywhere on the Internet and has improved my life for years now. I’m certain many other people feel the same.

    With great thanks, your friend

    Barton Young

    • William Edwards
      November 25, 2023

      I can only second that. You have made so many films that we would otherwise not see available as the filmmakers intended.

    • twerja1993
      December 2, 2023

      Your work is so important, don’t give up! There is a treasure trove of movies on here I’ve never seen anywhere else and it would be such a pity to let those EU censoring jerks win! I get, or should I say, used to get all my tv shows from Uloz. I feel very sad we’ve all been cut off.

      I don’t know if anyone has mentioned it, but another site I frequent (rarelust) uses tezfiles ( I don’t think the owner of rarelust has ever had a problem with them and he’s been uploading since 2012.

      Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put in. We all appreciate it and we’ll be cheering you on to continue if you choose to (Please do, we film buffs need you!)

      Hope this helps!

  2. Jay Lampert
    November 25, 2023

    Rarefilmm is the most amazing movie website I’ve ever seen. I only discovered it about a year ago, but I’ve watched about a hundred movies and there are hundreds more I plan to watch. I’ve only ever streamed the films, though, never downloaded, so perhaps there are many of us who won’t be affected by the change. I’m sorry to hear about the extra work for you, but you should know how great the streaming options are for so many of us. I check the site every couple of days to see what great new films you have made available. Thank you!

    • Vidor
      November 26, 2023

      Ditto, probably 90% of the films I’ve watched on this site, I’ve streamed.

  3. Roger Penrose
    November 25, 2023

    It seems mega is a long-hauler–they’ve been attacked for years and years, and they’re still up.

    There are also tricky ways to host them semi-automatically (i.e. they stay “live” semi-permanently even with free accounts).

    As far as I can tell they are the only game in town, short of (ugh) rapidgator and nitroflare.

  4. Vidor
    November 26, 2023

    In all candor that seems like too much work, Jon. Maybe rarefilmm should just be a streaming site.

  5. Noyfb
    November 26, 2023

    Hi been around movie sites for decades, i’m a huge movie buff and love watching films i can’t see anywhere else.
    i would recommend Tezfiles as my first choice they have been very reliable maybe MEGA never had issues with them and the last option would be Nitroflare.

    hope this helps give you some ideas for the new host.

  6. Sadus1988
    November 26, 2023

    Hello! I this Nitroflare will be a good option.

  7. Peter
    November 26, 2023

    rarefilmm is wonderful for streaming, I do not download, and see no need to. If streaming can continue without all the work to which you refer, that should be fine. You put in so much effort already, with such valuable outcome.. It would be unreasonable to expect of you the considerable extra work to allow downloading to continue.

  8. NTx
    November 26, 2023


    I sincerely appreciate your website. As for how I feel about Uloz, it is a catastrophe. It seems Europe has turned into a modern day Nazi State once again. And so it would have seemed to me that the solution for the owner(s) of Uloz would be to simply move their servers to a nation whose laws are not so riddled with Nazi attitudes and idealism.

    Perhaps the long-range solution would be for us to create a virtual country. Jews have been a virtual nation since forever, and Catholics have essentially been a virtual nation ever since the Edict of Milan in 325 AD, and certainly since the fall of Rome in 476. For Catholicism is certainly the remnants of Rome. So what is stopping us from creating our own virtual nation? A decent VPN should allow for that. So what to do in the meantime?

    The ongoing problem with the whole copyright thing is a farce. There is no such thing as a truly creative thought that stands on its own. All of the creative arts are ripoffs from artists who have gone before them. Even when you look at the brilliance of The Beatles and George Harrison, it is astounding how much they were ripping off from others too.

    Then when you look at legendary bands like Led Zeppelin, who’s manager Peter Grant did everything he could to prevent his band from being pirated while he was still alive, when the joke is the first few albums of Led Zeppelin almost every song is a endless barrage of un-credited ripoffs that are only coming to light all of these years later. While I do not deny Jimmy Page is one of the most brilliant musicians of the 20th century, even still, his brilliance was not born in a cipher all by himself! Like any other artist, he got his ideas from people who went before him.

    The truth is that copyright laws are not for the sake of the artist. Instead copyright laws are for the good-for-nothing corporate executives who are getting rich off somebody else’s work. And we all know that corporate executives in the film and music industry are non-stop ripoff criminals themselves. I mean what artist has never been ripped off by a corporate executive?

    I mean Google has all those “topic pages”, but never once does any of those artists on those topic pages ever get paid even a dime for their work. Google posts all that without any consent or permission. So is the lone-ranger media connoisseur somehow created differently than some governmental asssucking corporate mogul? What gives them the rice to tell us how to share our media? As far as I am concerned, whatever downloads into my computer, then I own. Possession is 9/10 of the law. If you do not want others to have copies of your work, then do not publish it.

    Especially before the Civil Rights era, it was common knowledge that if you were black and you were trying to get your music produced, there was no chance in hell you would ever see one dimes worth of income from your work. Instead again, copyright is not for the sake of the artist, but is for the sake of some sleazy corporate executive to serve himself. Besides, if we can copyright a mere “thought” or “idea” or claim ownership to a thought, feeling or notion, then we will be right in the middle of a George Orwellian society run riot! And then you can expect Spanish Inquisition to be started up by Thursday next, and on their way to your home first, in order to take out you and your family!

    Really nowadays any artist who is not publishing their music directly into the public domain, will most likely end up having their music considered to be “lost” in due time. For example, had all of the silent films been released into the public domain eons ago, there would not be such a substantial loss of those films to this day as there is. The loss of the majority of silent films is such a HUGE LOST in human artifacts that it cannot be overstated!! It was the corporate book burners who did this. it is one thing to lose human artifacts from 10,000 years ago, but something that is slightly over 100 years old but is now gone forever? What is that all about?

    So again it was greedy corporate executives that destroyed these works of art instead of releasing them to the public domain, when in fact private collectors of such “public works” would have preserved and kept these works of art alive for countless generations to come. Just because a work of art has some age to it, certainly does not mean it is junk or without merit.

    So in essence, copyright law is really about corporate executive book-burners, and lining their pockets, NOT the artists and certainly not the fans who relish the artists and their works. We really need the middleman and the legal system to get out of the way of art creators and their fans!! Corporate executives in the world of media is nothing more than a bunch of idiot self-serving Nazis. They are what is truly EVIL! And shutting down Uloz is the same as a bunch of book-burning Nazis! Uloz was such a superior way of media hosting, far more better and advance than YouTube will ever hope to be. The people running uloz really needed to simply move their servers to a country that is more humane. Getting different IP addresses would have solved the whole problem.

    As for finding suitable websites to host media files, that may be a hard one. For the internet is a volatile environment. Back in Andy Warhol’s day, pop culture was rated at being 15 minutes long. And when the internet came along in the 90s, pop culture was reduced to 15 seconds long. But nowadays anything regarding technology that’s over 15 nanoseconds long is considered an ancient dinosaur. That is how shallow internet culture can be. So we have more waste culture that contributes to earthly environmental destruction, and all the while continues on-setting the Holocene Extinction Event, bringing on the scale of wholesale global genocide. Nothing is sacred to a corporate executive, except how to line their pockets with someone else’s work. In essence, they take the works of art not only from the artist, but also the fans!

    You have mentioned the website of MEGA, but I feel MEGA is a terrible file hosting service. It is extremely riddled with JavaScript and secretive bloatware, and downloads do not run at consistent speeds, sometimes running fast and then slowing down to a snail’s crawl. MEGA is not platform friendly either. So unless the device and OS you were using is less than 15 days old, it may not work at all on their filthy website. I just cringe every time I find a download on the internet that is hosted by MEGA. MEGA is a horrible and insane website that is extremely stupidly designed.

    I would have suggested zippyshare, but it folded this past spring. I use uBlock Origin on my browsers, which does very good in protecting from advertising malware. And what it does not catch, you can easily manually add your own ad-blocks on the add-on too. And if you are using Android, and if you install Firefox for Android, uBlock Origin can be added on that too, in order to protect from malicious ads. To my knowledge, no chrome-based browser for cell phones will accept uBlock Origin.

    Even though zippyshare no longer exists, the website does suggest and refer users to That might be a decent solution. The online reviews for the website are amazing. Another file hosting site that work very much like zippyshare is MediaFire. MediaFire does not require any of those annoying and insane captchas and does not have any sort of wait times either. In that sense, MediaFire is great. However the downside to MediaFire is that it is located in the United states. And my feelings is that anything located on an American server is not really secure. America nowadays is one of the least free countries on the entire planet. it should not be called the United states, but instead should be called the government states.never once in the history of the United States has the American government ever been a constitutional government. it has never once been a country by the people and for the people. Instead the United States is always run by self-serving criminals, that hate freedom and liberty and human choice and human rights. So if a server is located in the United States, that should make anyone tremble, and so never trust it.

    This also means that Google is never a good option whatsoever. Google by far is the most evil thing ever invented by anyone. So whatever solutions you come up with, I feel it needs to be Google-free in order to be truly secure. Most of the stuff you share is public domain stuff anyway or very nearly public domain at least. Nevertheless, if you are taking away from any of Google’s profits, they would denounce you and delete you as quick as they could go, as though your website is a subset of YouTube somehow. So Google is always bad to associate with. Google is the new Adolf Hitler.

    Of the file hosting services that you mentioned above, my favorite is Deposit Files. Deposit Files has good download speed for their free version, even though you have to wait a few seconds for you download to begin. And whatever advertising they do on their website, it seems to be fairly minimal and not invasive. Also the last I knew, they still do not use the Google captcha, which is a good thing. For any time some idiot is using a Google captcha, you need to assume that all of your browsing and private information is being sent to Google and sold to their advertisers. Google is the largest phishing and malware and spyware site on the planet. There is simply no such thing as any sort of privacy, or human rights, in regards to Google.

    Also the French server has historically had excellent download speeds without captchas and wait times, but in recent years they have had extremely intrusive and invasive ads that have been known to be riddled with malware also. But again an advanced ad-blocker like uBlock Origin is critically necessary when using these fairly malicious file hosting websites.

    Let it be warned that rapidgator and nitroflare are EXTREMELY EXTREMELY EXTREMELY SLOW download speed. And even if you have a paid subscription on those websites, especially nitroflare offers no real customer service whatsoever. And my experience with nitroflare is they will get extremely hostile and rude towards you, and they will tell you to go somewhere else. Rapidgator simply does not respond to their customers. So both rapidgator and nitroflare are run by a bunch of irresponsible idiots that just want your money but do not want to offer any sort of responsible or accountable service.

    Another way to host your files might be through P2P. I believe in P2P because there is no middleman. The G2 Network and the eDonkey Network are long-standing networks that are simply not going to go away, not ever. Yes, eDonkey is semi-centralized, but G2 is not. All that is required to download from either of these sources is simply a magnet link and a client. And using software like Shareaza and a good VPN will easily download from the sources. Also you can harness the power of having multiple persons sharing the file. This also leads me to mention bittorrents also. Again a good torrent client along with a VPN is an excellent way to host your own files from your own hard drives or homemade server, per se.

    However I realize that you are hosting hundreds if not thousands of movie files, which takes up enormous space and bandwidth. And even with an excellent high speed internet connection out of your own home, it could still take long long periods of time for anyone to ever download your movie files. However it could be a backup alternative, nevertheless. So even if you were to use something like MediaFire or PixelDrain, having your files backed up by your own server with a G2 or eDonkey magnet might be a good plan. You would save any online hosting fees and the volume of content would be unlimited, depending on how many hard drives you have on your system. Again, if you allow for P2P, then you can harness the efforts of your fans to host your files from their computers also. This in turn increases download speeds.

    I am sorry but I am a huge proponent of P2P. I do not believe in an advertising internet. I have to pay for my internet service, so these asshole corporations can also pay for their internet service too, rather than get rich off of there malicious ads they serve out on their victims. I do not violate corporations, so corporations do not have the right to violate me.

    There’s no free web for anyone. Everyone pays for their own internet connection, including lousy corporations. Getting on the internet is a free choice that anyone can make, and if you cannot afford to get on the internet then there’s no reason for you to be on the internet in the first place.

    So if Google cannot afford to pay for their internet connection, then they simply need to get off the internet, instead of spying on all of their victims and taking away our privacy rights for their get-rich-quick scams. For they have no right to bombard others with their ads, or run surveillance on us with their spyware. Large corporations do not have the right to take away human choice or our right of self-determination. People who think ads on the internet are necessary are insane. Again, if I have to pay for my internet connection, then corporations can pay for theirs too. There is no free ride for anyone.

    So in my opinion P2P is the only right way to use the internet. It takes out the profiteering, racketeering and malicious middleman. Besides, of all the years that I have ever used P2P, I have never once gotten any sort of malware from that. I have gotten lots of malware on my computers from Google and other over-stuffed corporations though. JavaScript nowadays is probably the worst malware ever created, and corporations use JavaScript as a frontline weapon against their victims. JavaScript is how Google hides most of their malware and spyware anyway.

    In conclusion, I feel the best alternatives that I am aware about are: PixelDrain, MediaFire and DepositFiles and maybe 1fichier. And I feel your best backup, especially in times like these, is P2P, such as G2, eDonkey and bittorrent. In the meantime, Uloz needs to put its servers in another country that is not being run by the Nazis. Funny thing here is that in WWII, Hitler tried to genocide Eastern Europeans, but nowadays Eastern Europe is being run by the Nazis. Go figure. Uloz, its time to “re-locate” your server to another country, where it is safe to do so. Remember, big self-serving corporate socialists and government criminals want to take our cultural arts away from us, even to a point where they are considered lost works. And if that is not some book-burning Nazi, then I do not know what it is.

    Anyway that’s my two cents..


  9. Scott
    November 26, 2023

    Disagree with NTx user about how EU digital laws are bad, calling them Nazi. Irony is that, NTx is right how evil companies like Google but forgets to mentioned that these evil companies tactics don’t work in EU and provides users with more privacy respected internet. Just read about how Windows OS from MS would be so much better for EU. Uloz is indulged in PIRACY no matter what they are preserving. That’s a fact and I know you will not agree with me that’s how DMCA and copyright works.

    Anyway, I agree with NTx about P2P. Buy a VPS and host your server there. Or buy a seedbox and P2P will work flawlessly. MEGA is not good. Pixeldrain as a secondary back-up could work.

  10. Moriarty
    November 26, 2023

    First off, thank you so much for all your effort and focus on user experience all of these years! I’ve got nothing but compliments to give.

    Now, I’m not sure this makes sense, but if
    1 – videos can still be streamed at ulozto
    2 – there’s a way to dowload the stream
    a) you keep everything where it is (no need to reupload ~3200 files elsewhere)
    b) we can still download and archive for ourselves the movies.

    I tried this website ytbdownloadDOTcom/video-downloader/ but it seems it forces me to download a “free” software to use it, and if it’s free (but not open source) I fear it’ll be riddled with crap.
    I’m trying to see if there are other alternatives; will report back.

    Thanks again!

  11. Moriarty
    November 26, 2023

    A correction to my previous message:

    I tried it on Mr. Sycamore (1975) but of course that movie isn’t available for streaming (duh!).
    I then tried it on Börn náttúrunnar (1991) and I was able to download that version via snapvidDOTio
    It could be the easiest alternative, right? Cheers!

  12. NTx
    November 26, 2023

    I do not like calling uloz a piracy site. Instead I would call it a loss prevention rescue site. Besides, in their fine print they claim to pay out royalties to media owners, if the media owners are willing to allow their fans to share the content, otherwise uloz will and does respond to take down notices. YouTube certainly does not pay out royalties for their topic channels. And they do not get the media owners permission first either. But YouTube will delete content if it is posted by a fan. How bass akwards is that?

    I am sorry, but uloz is or was superior over YouTube in a thousand and one ways. And for those of us who hate the MP4 format, uloz does not force that on us either. In other words, uloz allows for flexible media formats to be uploaded.

    Another good thing about uloz is that it is not one of those antisocial networks either, where all you get is a billion mindless blurbs from idiots in the comment section, that don’t have anything else to do in life. I think if I hear one more person say “like and subscribe to my channel”, I will just scream. The whole learning curve on YouTube is something that is far inferior even to a neanderthal.

    While I do agree with and believe in private material ownership, I do not believe in intellectual property rights. So if uloz is guilty of piracy, then what does that make google and youtube? Anything that uloz has done, I can assure you that Google and YouTube have done a billion times over and seem to suffer no legal consequences. That is not a society where people are legally and politically created equal under any sort of law.

    Also who gives the big studios rights over the works that other people created anyway? In most cases the actors and even directors or their descendants are certainly not getting any type of royalties from any of that. Again I hotly disagree with intellectual property rights. You get into the thought crimes that George Orwell predicted. So I agree with material property rights but not intellectual.

    Really with over 7 billion people on this planet and for tens of thousands of years now, there really is no such thing as a new idea anyway. There is simply a rehashing of what has been done before. Even in music there are only 12 chromatic notes. I could go on and on about the insanity of modern-day copyright and DRM that only serves government and corporate criminals. It certainly does not serve any of the creators or artists or their fans. MPEG along with Google is some of the worst disasters on the internet today. If Hitler had Google and MPEG, the whole world would be speaking German today.

    The audio-video arts is barely over a hundred years old at this point, and already tons of these artifacts have been lost over the years for whatever reasons. For example, I would have given anything to be able to watch all of Theda Bara’s movies or Lon Chaney’s for that matter. There are even John Wayne movies that are considered lost. How did that happen? However if these items were simply released into the public domain, I seriously doubt as many media artifacts would be considered lost to this day.

    Uloz needs to simply move their servers IP to a country that is not run by media-burning Nazis. Governments and socialist corporations have no right to dictate morality against the majority will of the people. And I say that so-called intellectual property rights is not only an insane notion, but it is immoral too. It hurts the culture that it is practiced in. It is no different than when the Inquisition would burn people at the stake if they did not agree and believe in the religious tenants of their day. In other words your mind and your thoughts have to conform to a few inhuman power tripping idiots who claim to be making up the rules for the rest of us.

    I am sorry, but there is no such thing in reality as intellectual property rights. that simply could never be enforced, let alone defined. George Orwell was a true 20th century prophet. He predicted all this inhuman insanity. Any content creator that truly wants his content to be preserved would immediately release it into the public domain, otherwise even Elvis Presley can plan on many of his works becoming lost in due time too. I mean look at Jimi Hendrix and some of his work. At this point it is safe to say that some of his work is already virtually lost because of the tyrants who want to control the so-called media rights of his works. That is not fair to Jimmy and it is not fair to his fans that love and adore and idolize him him dearly. Artworks should only ever be between the creators and the fans. No middle man. No socialist governments and no socialist corporations. History has proven time and time again for thousands of years now, that there is no such thing as morality or humanity in any government or corporation. So why do we allow these self-serving, inhuman idiots to dictate laws to us in the first place?

    Some people say they want political and social anarchy. But I say as long as we allow self-serving government criminals, corporate socialists and organized religion to dictate humanity and morality in life, then we already have had anarchy since forever. The sheeples that fall into this inhumanity trap have obviously failed in terms of evolution. Well in Western culture, we have already had at least three regressions or dark ages in the past 5,000 years. And it looks like we are already collapsing into yet another dark age, but this time it is not confined to Western culture alone; but is now on a global scale. And for the blind fools who think the world will end someday, it ended long before there was any Sidharthra or Jesus or Socrates to tell us otherwise. So where have you been?

    I think another strategy here is for hundreds if not thousands of us to write to uloz and simply beg them to put their website on another server in another country with a different IP address. The internet is certainly no Giza pyramid that stands on its own. Really, most days I don’t even feel the internet is worth the effort in time for anything. I mean even 2500 years later, with his lit lantern, Diogenes claims he is looking for someone he can trust on the internet. Well I got news for him, he can just keep looking. He’s better off to just stay in his tub, masturbating in public.


  13. hotsake
    November 26, 2023

    I personally use Dropbox for storing my films online and for allowing others to download them.

  14. November 26, 2023

    My suggestion is to drop the download link altogether and just make your wonderful films available to stream. I have software that allows me to capture videos if I want to save them.
    So don’t kill yourself with work/stress. You do more than enough for us movie lovers as it is.

  15. Gene
    November 26, 2023

    I’d have to go Thumbs DOWN on a streaming only solution, since the WiFi really sux for reliability here, and there is no easy or inexpensive fix for that. Cost aside, I’m very reluctant to tear into walls to try and retroactively ethernet the whole dang place. (Which was built before it was a more common standard to have CAT-5 or CAT-6 built-in EVERYWHERE that you might possibly want a connection.) In terms of user control, having the media at hand & Local Playback is King ! Streaming to a computer in the office would pose no problem, BUT I don’t choose to watch anything much that way. If it’s worth watching, it belongs on the big screen, at the max rez available. I run most downloaded material that way, off of portable hard drives.

    This is not really a *practical* solution for Uloz post this catastrophe, but if their streaming still works, I suppose software like TubeDigger (or some others) — which can be set to monitor and grab a stream — could still grab it for you and save it. Not really practical, because then you’re stuck in a real time scenario, one film at a time, and a computer is tied up with this task for the duration — unless you have more than one of them deployed.

    I’ve had mixed feelings about Mega. I can recall it being the case that for items over 1 or 2 GB in size (?), you had to dl and use their own software for this. Lacking any trust factor in such arrangements, this was something I was unwilling to do. Likewise, having to establish an account with the service, even if it was free.

  16. A
    November 26, 2023

    I’m really sorry they’ve been putting you through the wringer for this. Whatever you decide going forward, you’ll have my support at least.

  17. November 27, 2023

    Just discovered your site and now Im reading this…I pay rg a premium price but at least they’ve been reliable for a few years now…all the best whatever you decide

  18. Vojtak
    November 27, 2023

    Well, there were hints that something might happen. The gozo search engine was only last try to stay online and circumvent the law.
    It’s sad
    thank you for your effort

  19. Max
    November 27, 2023

    I*d suggest to use Nitroflare as other website do so and cinephiles are likely to have an account. Also unlike Uloz it’s not geoblocked in some regions.

    Do you know Solidarity Cinema? Maybe you could put your movies on their drive.

    • Gene
      December 1, 2023

      Not actually correct: there is an extensive thread on MyDuckisDead, all about a U.K. court decision and the resulting pervasive, effective blocking of Nitro access across the U.K. It even affected the alt domain that Nitro established in an attempt to deal with this. The only feasible option for those users has been to access Nitro via a good VPN.

  20. November 28, 2023

    Keep to streaming, please. There’s little need to download these films if the site remains active. You do wonderful, rare and inventive work – all power to you whatever you decide.

  21. Vincent
    November 28, 2023

    I would just like to echo a) This site is an invaluable resource and I THANK YOU for your hard work b) I typically just stream as many users above have cited if my added voice plays any role in decision making.

  22. michael kelly
    November 29, 2023

    The difference one man can make! Thank you Jon and all others involved for bringing us so many wonderful films and making this old bachelors evenings so full of delight and magic. Since discovering your site this year i only stream films and thats enough for me. Long may you continue whatever you decide.

  23. Martin
    November 29, 2023

    Hi Jon,

    Apologies if someone else has already mentioned it, but may be a good way to go.

    Thanks for all your hard work anyway and good luck.

  24. wtfjack
    November 29, 2023

    I feel you pain. Happened to me when other hosts closed down.
    I’m using Mega right now. Suggest you open multiple free accounts because they only allow 20 GB max.
    Good luck and hope you decide to stick with it. Your site has been invaluable to me numerous times.

  25. Dan
    November 29, 2023

    Seconding Nitroflare as an alternative. A few other sites I frequent use that for larger uploads and it seems to work great.

    Appreciate all the work you put into this project!

  26. oreo137
    November 29, 2023

    Hi Jon,

    I really hope you’ll continue to offer a download option! Although streaming is convenient, naturally it’s less reliable and can result in lower quality playback. Plus I appreciate that a download option allows me to participate in helping preserve films, should anything ever happen to online links and I could ever be of help to share and help restore access to a film.

    As for future download site options, Mega does seem to be the most reliable option. is another site worth considering, as it offers both streaming and download options. While the download speeds there are slow via browser, they can be much faster through something like jdownloader or iTubeGo desktop applications.

    Thank you for your dedication to curating and sharing so many obscure films! So long as you find it manageable, I hope you can continue for another 10 years.

  27. Anon
    November 29, 2023

    HI, first of all thanks so much for this website, and after rushing to download since this annoucement, I really appreciate your hard work.

    I am not a web-hosting, filesharing specialist, so I am not sure how this would help. I have been watching fan sub Asian drama in site like and where they hosted video in some servers. Those sites offer download options. Maybe you can checked how they did it. I’m not sure how much they paid for it.

    In most free internet streaming sites, there are extensions (I used Firefox) that allowed me options to download the video, (often in lower quality format). Some of it, I can simple right-click and “Save the Video As). Your Uloz, embbed video does not allow me to do these things. I hope some of these can be as of help. Your library of films are really one of the best things in the internet.

    THanks again,

  28. Overton Rubik
    November 30, 2023

    Hey Jon and all,

    This site truly sets an example for all other movie-sharing websites. The quality of user experience and curation is the best, bar none. Do not give up the good fight.

    I know there are decent downloader applications (YouTube-dl) for YouTube, but I’m not sure if something of a similar quality exists for OK-Ru that is usable for the average person. If something does exist, it would certainly save some hassle to just link it and copy/paste instructions.

  29. Caio
    November 30, 2023

    Good evening Jon!
    Have you ever heard of
    it works super well on other blogs I follow. Seems like a very good option over Ulozto.
    Thanks for keeping this website always so amazing!

  30. December 1, 2023

    You should make it a paid site around $5 ti $10 USD per month whether a client downloads or not…I never download but stream movies from the index. Your created a first class resource for primarily English language movies and I love it. It’s worth more than I can afford to pay but I’m an old age pensioner now so &10 USD per month would be my limit.

  31. Tom Cobley
    December 1, 2023

    It’s a total shock to lose Uloz like this after so long Jon (such a great free resource). I can’t see how they will survive very long after this ‘shutdown’, site now makes no sense.

    The only logical solution imo is to post on the Russian site mate and post the links here – forget all the other suggestions being posted here… no offence but none i have seen are a decent logical solution other than the ones suggesting streaming the films. We can then use Jdownload to acquire them if needed. |t will save you more heartache and wasted time.

    Bottomline, after Uloz (and many others) everything outside of ‘law-unto-itself’ Russia is under threat now so you will have to stick with or risk the same happening again i believe… a real shame for classic/rare film fans this… gutted.

  32. jason
    December 1, 2023

    ah dang! my favorite movie site is in danger! but as someone already mentioned : if its streamable its likely downloadable. im just DL’ing mr. sycamore, the latest entry as of now with youtube-dl in a linux desktop environment. a tiny tool that does it simply by posting the url of the site. no need to reupload the whole darn archive. and what an archive it is! your work is valued!

  33. December 2, 2023

    Love the site, have been a user for several years. Personally don’t bother downloading, just stream stuff.

  34. Tim
    December 3, 2023

    Pls upload to (a profit-free organization)

  35. hamid
    December 3, 2023

    Hi upload in telegram

  36. Ted
    December 3, 2023

    I just clicked on the stream for Death and the Compass and it’s still playable, fwiw. Just not able to download it. Not sure if this is the case for all of your selections, but that’s encouraging at least! 🙂

  37. Kim
    December 4, 2023

    I have found a Russian social media sight that is, literally, Youtube before the censorship days, when the internet was still the wild, wild West. I was even able to find Island of the Blue Dolphin! It is called You have to fiddle with the different downloads, make sure you are getting the right language version of the film you want, etc. But I think you will be pleasantly surprised by this sight. Also, most of the time I’m able to go to, and subsequently to their other archive sight, and find a lot of films. Hope this helps!

  38. Paul
    December 6, 2023

    That’s such a shame and so frustrating/annoying for you, I recently stumbled across your site and what a treasure trove it was. Luckily (for me!) I went through and downloaded lots of things and they are in a folder on my PC ‘Rare Film Site’, I cannot thank you enough for films like Dash & lily which I have been seeking for so long. I hope you are able to start up again but understand if it just feels too much. Thanks for all your work and uploads

  39. Gene
    December 8, 2023

    It might have been nice if there was some way we could tell Uloz what dunderheads they are for knuckling under to this Euro court edict (rather than simply relocating somewhere outside its reach), and how this will very possibly lead to their complete irrelevancy. But it looks like they don’t even accept what they term “Guest Comments.”

  40. felix
    December 9, 2023

    just in case the email doesn’t go through for whatever reason, i emailed you about as a potential file hosting service. i know it seems almost to good to be true and i can attest because i’m shocked at how different it is from all the shitty file hosting services like nitroflare that all the other film blogs have as their host, for whatever reason other than it not really giving a fuck if you pay them. stumbled across it today and wowie.

  41. Neil
    December 9, 2023

    I have had no trouble downloading since the videos were marked “Private” I just played them, right clicked while playing, copied the link, then pasted into jdownloader. A couple did not work but most did.

  42. December 9, 2023

    I have a BFA in film/video art/photography and as a cineaste and film buff your site is a dream come true, an escape from the mainstream tyranny that is overhyped and over-commercialized entertainment for general public to vegetate them into babbling cretins. For film is foremost, a tool for the artist, the gaze of the artist’s eye extending into the horizon where the sun is the projector of life, and how stories unravel human mysteries and philosophies to be discovered, for its more than just entertainment but art, the art of the storyteller weaving threads of reality.
    Your site is amazing and there is a treasure trove on here. However, truth be told, I may have downloaded films on RareLust because I couldn’t find most of those films to watch on streams. But on your site, because I could watch it, I found no reason to download a film other than a few I wanted to keep but it seemed that the download was so slow on my browser so Id just record it with OBS software. So I wouldn’t sweat it if we can’t download it. As long as we can watch it that is the most important thing first, that we can watch them. That is important, To download it is secondary in importance I suppose, but certainly doesn’t outweigh the importance of watching it.

  43. Hung
    December 10, 2023

  44. Archie
    December 10, 2023

    I feel you, Jon. What a pain in the ass…
    I think your best bet would be Fichier.
    Other options: Mediafire or Webshare.

    Your work is VERY appreciated.

  45. Benjamin
    December 11, 2023

    Rarelust : is exclusively a download film site sadly because there are few gems there that I would love to watch. Sometimes I have seen them add something and then it turns up elsewhere which is nice for me but probably not for the person who runs it.

  46. alvin
    December 12, 2023

    Is there a reason to not just download the files from are these streams compressed? or am i missing something else?

    btw. great site, just found it today


  47. x
    December 12, 2023

    is there a reason to not just copy the link into jdownloader an download it that way?

  48. Bud Abbott
    December 12, 2023

    You really do not have to do a stitch of work to fix this or change anything at all, Just keep showcasing the films as you do so well, and add links to sites like:

    All one need do is to go through to the post, copy the address, and paste it into the site above, which will then give you a variety of download options (different size files).

    Or you can recommend ClipGrap, which is freeware program available in both Mac and PC versions. You download and install it, and it’s incredibly simple to use: just paste in the web address, wait until it’s ready, then hit “Grab This Clip”. Couldn’t be easier.

    Don’t waste your time reposting old files or replacing that downloader. Just keep posting new things and tell people how to download if they like.

  49. John
    December 13, 2023

    Nitroflare and Rapidgator are the sites used by most of the other movie sharing sites. I would recommend moving to either of them.

  50. Archiver
    December 14, 2023
    Reply is the place. Nobody is fighting harder to preserve libraries, media and information.

  51. Troy NMN Turner
    December 17, 2023

    Your work is much very important and appreciated. Finding your site was a Godsend,

    I have no real advice to share re: hosting, but It does look like could be a reasonable landing spot.

  52. Rhoda Koenig
    December 17, 2023

    Even if all we can do is watch a film on the site itself, this is certainly something to be very grateful for. It is wonderful to find a movie one has been seeking for ages, so I don’t think that not being able to download is so tragic. I am deeply appreciative of the chance you have given us to see films I long thought lost or unavailable, and hope that this new problem will not deter you in your generous work.

  53. Smilodon
    December 18, 2023

    Some suggestions

    Alfafile . net

    FastFile . cc

    Rapidcloud . cc

    ddownload . com (fast but links can get taken down quickly)

  54. December 18, 2023

    Hello Jon,

    As always, thank you very much. You must have some data already, and I can only assume from my own experience, but is it fair to say actually most of the users just streaming from the browser? You are doing already great amount of work and as a loyal user your website, I would prefer you to not upload the files again really. As long as it’s streaming there will be no sadness.

  55. wdfgjm
    December 18, 2023

    >is there a reason to not just copy the link into jdownloader an download it that way?
    worse quality

  56. Me
    December 19, 2023
    Reply on several different accounts. This is the best interim choice to get at least some of the work up, and you can bulk upload by category.

    You can find a web wizard who could easily script and change all the urls, expecially if they’re going to seems ok as well.

    This happened to me a few months ago. My heartfelt sympathy.

  57. justafellowpirate
    December 23, 2023

    There’s a polish site that may be of use to you. Just a friendly suggestion.

  58. December 24, 2023

    Another site I frequent uses a service called FIKPER. You might look into that. Thanks.

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