During the First World War, a Canadian soldier, devastated by the recent death of his fiancee, arrives at the frozen Russian city of Archangel. While billeted with a local family, he is astonished to discover a woman that may or may not be the lover he thought lost. Unfortunately, she is suffering from amnesia and remembers nothing of their former passion. A rival suitor, claiming to be her husband and who may also be suffering from amnesia, is equally unsuccessful at winning her affection. The melancholy story plays itself out against the madness of the Great War.
Director: Guy Maddin.
Writers: John B. Harvie (story suggestion), Guy Maddin & George Toles (screenplay).
Stars: Michael Gottli, David Falkenburg, Michael O’Sullivan, Margaret Anne MacLeod, Ari Cohen, Sarah Neville, Kathy Marykuca, Kyle McCulloch, Victor Cowie, Ihor Procak, Robert Lougheed, Stephen Snyder, Michael Powell, Sam Toles, Lloyd Weinberg, Graham Bicq, Brent Neale, Caroline Bonner.
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